Homemade odor absorber for shoes

Homemade odor absorber for shoes


You come home from a hard day's work, it's hot today, you're exhausted and the first thing you want to do is take off your shoes to relax.

At this moment, your nostrils remind you to order: your feet and shoes give off an unbearable smell!

And the worst thing is that you'll have to put those stinky shoes back tomorrow to go back to work ...

In this article we will see how to remedy bad foot odor as well as solutions to allow you to quickly eliminate them from your shoes.

We won't talk about Shoes UV Sanitizers Sterilizer as this article is about Homemade DIY.

Know the enemy to better fight him.

The first question to ask is: "why do feet stinks?"

The feet do not smell more than the rest of our body. It is the fact of putting them in shoes that causes bad smells.

Sweat is produced by glands under our skin that allow us to evacuate excessive heat from our body. This is what happens during an effort for example.

These bad smells are due to the transpiration and proliferation of bacteria that thrive there. Sweating, and therefore aqueous media, dead skin: bacteria love it and make you feel it!

Sweat is a mixture of water, salts and toxins.

Bacteria are precisely the cause of our problem.

Did you know?
Deodorants do not hide odors, they eliminate them with an antiseptic agent whose job is to kill the bacteria responsible for bad odors.

Let's move on!

Since this article focuses on what we can do from home products, we will not discuss other solutions that will be the subject of another article.

Now that we know the cause, let's take action.

We can act urgently on 2 points:

Remove moisture from shoes

  • The first solution if your shoes have soles and well it is simply to remove them to dry. If you have a hair dryer, it will be even faster! Otherwise it will be necessary to mop up and let dry all night.
  • The second solution is to stuff newspaper into your shoes. The paper will serve as a moisture absorber.
  • The third solution is a bit more technical. Slip a clean cloth into your shoes as if it were a sock but without your foot inside. Instead, pour some salt. The ideal being coarse salt. Indeed salt is an excellent moisture absorber!

Destroy the bacteria present

  • Baking soda everyone knows. You can pour some sodium bicarbonate directly into your shoes and let it work all night. Place it here is not quite valid because it is not "bactericidal" but "bacteriostatic", ie as for other salts, it prevents the development of bacteria but does not destroy them. This is an intermediate solution but not useless!
  • Here is a radical solution: freezing! Do not laugh, that's what we're going to do. Dry your shoes up and then pack them in a sealed plastic bag. Put your shoes in the freezer from a few hours to all night and I guarantee that it will be the hecatomb in bacteria!

I suggest watching this video


In this article we have seen how to use current products from home to fight the bad odors of our shoes.

I could have mentioned other products or mixtures but their effectiveness is not proven or these solutions only serve to hide the odors instead of destroying them. They had no place here.

Regarding the last solution, we could have thrown them in the fire too but I doubt that we can reuse them after such treatment ...;)

Good fight against bad smells!
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