What is a shoes sanitizer?


A few weeks ago, I did not know the existence of shoes sanitizer. And if you're here, I guess you do not either.
So I asked myself the question of their usefulness and I share with you what I discovered.
This article will follow the one called Homemade odor absorb for shoes.

What is a shoe sanitizer?
What is its purpose?
How do we use it?
Is it beneficial?

So many questions that I will answer now.

The hunt for bad smells.

The problem that this product wants to meet is still that of shoes that smell bad.

As explained in a previous article, bacteria feed on the compounds of our sweat and proliferate there. A confined environment like our shoes is conducive to their development. It is therefore once again to attack these bacteria.

UV sanitizer against bacteria
Yes, there are many...

Ultraviolet rays to the rescue!

Ultraviolet, UV for short, are of the aggressive kind.

The human body resists but not prolonged. Indeed our skin does what it can to protect us but quickly shows its limits. That's why we wear sunglasses and put sunscreen. Simple to understand: protect us. Because UV is aggressive, so aggressive that it destroys our cells or makes them mutate. We all know the sunburns but the UV also participate in the development of skin cancer!

Now think about it for a minute. Imagine what UV rays would do to bacteria.
You are there! Destruction.

And that's where our shoes sanitizer comes in.

What is a shoes sanitizer?

You surely got the idea now.

This is a device equipped with a UV lamp that you will be able to slip into your shoes in order to destroy the bacteria responsible for bad odors.
Obviously this does not exempt you from a drastic body hygiene. ;)

The icing on the cake, the device can also destroy germs and other fungi!

So if you have this kind of recurring problem, it may be good to look into this solution.
With the help of vinegar foot bath 2 times a week, your feet will thank you! (your nose and those around you too!)

Where can i find this?!

Well you could take a look at your local store, i don't know if for example Wallmart sell that kind of products. You can always ask them.
Personally, i found this product on Amazon: UV Shoes Sanitizer Sterilizer
They have different types like the 2 below.

This one is pretty cool, i like the design.

The second is less sophisticated but is efficient and a little cheaper than the previous one.


We have seen today a rather original but effective way of getting rid of the bacteria responsible for bad odors, and for a reasonable price compared to the service rendered.
In a later article we will leave our shoes that smell bad for another subject: bad smell dishwasher!
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